
The last few weeks I have done quite a bit of website stuff. I look after the website structure for our radio club, Lothians Radio Society, and I have done that since about 2010. We fortunately have a webmaster who writes and edits the content. Recently we took the decision to move from Joomla (which we have used since version 1.5) becuase the last move, to version 3, was very painful and took a huge amount of work. I have used WordPress for a while now and found it a solution with much less hassle, and other club members have used it too; so we have moved. It will take a short time for the webmaster to get used to the different system, but it’s already looking good.

website screenshot

I like the theme that we chose, “Astra”, and have decided to use it on this site, though in a more vanilla version since the site does not have a complex structure. It works really well, especially on tablets and phones as well as large computer screens.

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