Another go at Mars …

After one evening where I made a mess of things, recording lots of videos where I hadn’t realised I was overexposing the planet, I had another go. This time I had read the manual (!) and know a bit more about how to make things happen, I realised that the first Mars image was probably more good luck than good judgment!

So here’s the latest:

At least it’s not the same bit of Mars! The polar cap is clearly visible again, with Utopia just below it, and also Mare Sirenum (maybe Cimmerium) down in the south. The empty expanse in the middle is Amazonis. I am pretty pleased with this, considering that Mars is only a little over 13 arcseconds across at present.

This image is the best 50% of 2000 frames taken at 10ms exposure each, stacked using AutoStakkert, and then with the features enhanced using waveSharp. The image is actually only about 25 pixels across; I am glad that the camera has very small pixels! The planetary camera is really great, and I am also looking forward to trying it out on deep sky objects.

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