
More recent amateur radio publications at the top; academic publications (with links) further down the list.

A Small Transmitter Amplifier for 10GHz
John Cooke GM8OTI
Practical Wireless (ISSN 0141-0857) 90 no.5, 18 (2014)

Microwave Home Brew – Completing the 10GHz Transmit System
John Cooke GM8OTI
Practical Wireless (ISSN 0141-0857) 90 no.2, 36 (2014)

Microwave Home Brew – Building a 10GHz Receive Converter
John Cooke GM8OTI
Practical Wireless (ISSN 0141-0857) 89 no.9, 36 (2013)

Home Brew Yagi Antennas for v.h.f. and u.h.f.
John Cooke GM8OTI
Practical Wireless (ISSN 0141-0857) 89 no.4, 26 (2013)

Microwave Home Brew – 10GHz – Preparations and a Local Oscillator
John Cooke GM8OTI
Practical Wireless (ISSN 0141-0857) 89 no.1, 24 (2013)

Microwave Home Brew – The next band up – 2.3GHz
John Cooke GM8OTI
Practical Wireless (ISSN 0141-0857) 88 no.9, 12 (2012)

Improving the 1.3GHz Portable Transverter
John Cooke GM8OTI
Practical Wireless (ISSN 0141-0857) 88 no.4, 16 (2012)

Microwave Home Brew – local oscillators
John Cooke GM8OTI
Practical Wireless (ISSN 0141-0857) 88 no.3, 15 (2012)

A Portable 1.3GHz Dish Antenna
John Cooke GM8OTI
Practical Wireless (ISSN 0141-0857) 87 no.10, 24 (2011)

Microwave RF Sniffer
John Cooke GM8OTI
Practical Wireless (ISSN 0141-0857) 87 no.7, 16 (2011)

Enjoying 1.3GHz Home-brew – Part 2
John Cooke GM8OTI
Practical Wireless (ISSN 0141-0857) 87 no.2, 18 (2011)

Enjoying 1.3GHz Home-brew – Part 1
John Cooke GM8OTI
Practical Wireless (ISSN 0141-0857) 87 no.1, 30 (2011)

Southern infrared proper motion survey – I. Discovery of new high proper motion stars from first full hemisphere scan
N.R. Deacon, N.C. Hambly, J.A. Cooke
Astronomy & Astrophysics 435, 363 (2005)

The subdwarf luminosity function
A.P. Digby, N.C. Hambly, J.A.Cooke, I.N. Reid, R.D. Cannon
Mon.Not.Roy.Astron.Soc. 344, 583 (2003)

Wide Field Astrometry: Moving from the UKST to VISTA
J.A. Cooke, A.P.Digby, I.N. Reid
ASP Conference Series, Vol 232, The New Era of Wide Field Astronomy, eds. R.G. Clowes, A.J. Adamson, G.E. Bromage (San Francisco: ASP), 272 (2001)

High Proper Motion Stars in Kapteyn Selected Area 94
J.A. Cooke, I.N. Reid
Mon. Not. R. Astron. Soc. 318, 1206 (2000)

SuperCOSMOS IAM data pairing (software released for general use)
J.A. Cooke
Location: (August 1997)

Machine measurements of the objective‑prism spectra of faint galaxies, II. Interactive redshift measurements
S.M. Beard, J.A. Cooke, D. Emerson, H.T. MacGillivray, B.D. Kelly
Mon. Not. R. Astron. Soc. 219, 251 (1986)

Machine measurements of the objective‑prism spectra of faint galaxies, I. Plate measurements and initial data reduction
J.A. Cooke, S.M. Beard, B.D. Kelly, D. Emerson, H.T. MacGillivray
Mon. Not. R. Astron. Soc. 219, 241 (1986)

Three‑dimensional structure in the Indus supercluster
S.M. Beard, J.A. Cooke, D. Emerson, B.D. Kelly
Clusters and groups of galaxies, F. Mardirossian et al (eds.) p17‑22, D. Reidel (1984)

Megalithic astronomy ‑ a new archaeological and statistical study of 300 western Scottish sites.
C.L.N. Ruggles, with P.N. Appleton, S.F. Burch, J.A. Cooke, R.W. Few, J.G. Morgan, R.P. Norris
B A R, British Series, 123 (1984)

Objective prism galaxy redshifts in fields around the South Galactic Pole
Q.A. Parker, H.T. MacGillivray, R.J. Dodd, J.A. Cooke, S.M. Beard, B.D. Kelly, D. Emerson
Astronomy with Schmidt type Telescope. M. Capaccioli (ed.) p405‑408. D. Reidel (1984)

Objective‑prism redshifts of faint galaxies
J.A. Cooke, B.D. Kelly, S.M. Beard, D. Emerson
Astronomy with Schmidt‑type telescopes, M. Capaccioli (ed.) p401‑403. D. Reidel (1984)

Automated quasar detection
R.G. Clowes, J.A. Cooke, S.M. Beard
Mon. Not. R. Astron. Soc. 207, 99‑105 (1984)

R.Z. Gru‑ a UX UMa ‘disc star’
D.J. Stickland, B.D. Kelly, J.A. Cooke, I. Coulson, C. Engelbrecht, D. Kilkenny, J. Spencer‑Jones
Mon. Not. R. Astron. Soc. 206, 819‑831 (1984)

Automated quasar detection
R.G. Clowes, J.A. Cooke, S.M. Beard
Early evolution of the Universe and its present structure, G.O. Abell, G. Chincarini (eds.), p.31, I.A.U. (1983)

Spectral classification by objective prism and microdensitometer
B.D. Kelly, J.A. Cooke, D. Emerson
Mon. Not. R. Astron. Soc. 199, 239‑243 (1982)

Objective prism radial velocities of cluster galaxies from UK Schmidt telescope plates
J.A. Cooke, D. Emerson, B.D. Kelly, H.T. MacGillivray, R.J. Dodd
Mon. Not. R. Astron. Soc. 196, 397‑402 (1981)

RZ Gru ‑ a new cataclysmic binary?
B.D. Kelly, D. Kilkenny, J.A. Cooke
Mon. Not. R. Astron. Soc. 196, 91P‑94P (1981)

Simple computer control of a Joyce‑Loebl microdensitometer for the measurement of objective‑prism spectra
B.D. Kelly, J.A. Cooke, D. Emerson
Observatory, 100, 76‑77 (1980)

Carbon in the Lunar regolith as a possible clue to the nature of interstellar grains?
M.E. Bailey, J.A. Cooke
Observatory, 99, 10‑11 (1979)

Radial velocities of faint galaxies from objective prism plates
J.A. Cooke, D. Emerson, K. Nandy, V.C. Reddish, M.G. Smith
Mon. Not. R. Astron. Soc. 178, 687‑691 (1977)

Low‑dispersion objective prism spectra from the UK 1.2m Schmidt telescope.
K. Nandy, V.C. Reddish, K.P. Tritton, J.A. Cooke, D. Emerson
Mon. Not. R. Astron. Soc. 178, 63P‑66P (1977)

Indicated declinations at the Callanish megalithic sites.
J.A. Cooke, R.W. Few, J.G. Morgan, C.L.N. Ruggles
J. Hist. Astron. 8, Part 2, 113‑133 (1977)

Survey of three megalithic sites in Argyllshire
M.E. Bailey, J.A. Cooke, R.W. Few, J.G. Morgan, C.L.N. Ruggles
Nature 253, 431‑433 (1975)

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